Minnesota Lawyers Helping Injured Workers

Trusted Minnesota Long-Term Disability Attorneys

Long-term disability insurance policies, whether offered through an employer or purchased privately, are intended to provide financial support if the policyholder cannot work due to injury or illness. When policyholders are in good health and paying premiums, insurance companies are quick to make promises. When policyholders need help, insurers are just as quick to find ways to get out of those promises.

At Midwest Disability, P.A., our Twin Cities-based long-term disability lawyers have years of experience serving people throughout the country. We know the laws that govern these policies and how to use these laws to our client’s advantage. We have the skill to work within the rules that the insurance companies set for themselves, providing the evidence necessary to prove you need the benefits you paid for, and you need them fast.

Worried about the cost? All cases are taken on a contingency basis. Call 888-387-4135 to schedule a free consultation.

Do You Have A Group Policy Or An Individual Policy?

Long-term disability policies offered through an employer are referred to as group policies. Policies purchased privately are referred to as individual policies. While the benefits offered by these two types of policies are similar, the laws that apply to them differ dramatically. Group long-term disability policies are governed by ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act), a federal law that applies to all employee benefits. ERISA matters can be extremely complicated, but we know how to navigate them for success.

What If My Claim For Long-Term Disability Was Denied?

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for insurance providers to deny claims for long-term disability. Due to the severity and long-term nature of these disability claims, many companies will deny them in an effort to lower their costs – even when applicants are entitled to receive long-term disability benefits. Unjust denial of your claim could constitute bad faith practices on the part of the insurance company. The long-term disability company could be acting in bad faith if:

  • They deny your valid claim without providing valid reasons for the denial
  • They delay payment of your claim for an unreasonable period of time
  • They require unnecessary/unreasonable information in processing your claim
  • They don’t pay the full value of benefits to which you are entitled

Regardless of why your claim was denied, our Minneapolis long-term disability lawyers can help you fight back. You are entitled to appeal the denial of your claim and request an administrative hearing. It is very important that you work with an experienced attorney if you wish to appeal after your claim was denied, as the process can be very complicated and will most likely require you to present evidence to support your claim. Our Minnesota long-term disability attorneys can work with you to gather this evidence prior to the hearing, after which point your record will be closed, meaning you will not be able to add any further records in support of your claim.

I Received Notice That My Long-Term Disability Benefits Are Ending. What Now?

If you are already receiving long-term disability benefits and have received a letter informing you that these benefits will soon be terminated or have already been terminated, you may be understandably concerned. After all, your disability has not fully healed – so why have your benefits stopped, and what can you do about it? The answer to that second question depends on whether you are receiving benefits through a group or individual policy.

If you are receiving ERISA long-term disability benefits, meaning they are offered through your employer, you will need to follow a very specific set of procedures in order to appeal the termination of your benefits. Even if you are receiving independent long-term disability benefits, it’s important that you are aware of and follow your policy’s appeals process if you wish to fight back against the termination of your disability benefits.

While you have the right to appeal, doing so can be very difficult and complex without the assistance of a skilled and experienced long-term disability lawyer. We strongly recommend that you reach out to one of the permanent disability lawyers at our firm to discuss your situation and learn how we can help.

Why You Need An Attorney For Your Long-Term Disability Case

Applying for long-term disability benefits can be a confusing process, especially if you have never filed for workers’ compensation before. When you have been injured on the job and need this type of assistance, your focus should be on your recovery – not worrying about how you are going to afford your medical treatment. For this reason, you need an experienced legal advocate on your side who can keep your claim on track and ensure your rights are protected. A skilled lawyer can handle every aspect of your long-term disability case, including:

  • Paperwork: The last thing you need during your recovery is to be bombarded with paperwork rife with confusing legalese and strict deadlines. Paperwork errors such as missing or insufficient information are some of the most common reasons claims get denied. An attorney can handle all paperwork on your behalf and help eliminate costly errors that can otherwise compromise the outcome of your  claim.
  • Medical Experts: An attorney can find and consult with medical professionals who can support your claim and properly assess the severity and long-term effects of your injuries.
  • Representation: In the unfortunate event that you are denied coverage, an attorney can provide the aggressive representation you need and help you take additional action in pursuit of the benefits you are owed.

On Your Side Every Step Of The Way

Our Minnesota long-term disability attorneys make certain to explore every opportunity to obtain financial support for our clients. If you have been denied for long-term disability benefits, we can help you get them. We can also advise you on workers’ comp claims. When you hire our firm, you can count on us to keep you informed, to explain your rights and options in plain language, and to be accessible and responsive to your needs.

Call 888-387-4135 to schedule your free consultation with an experienced long-term disability lawyer. You can also contact us online. Our attorneys help clients throughout the country.

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